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Journal Papers
Niu, Y., Pan L., & Pérez-Jiménez M. J. (2012).  Solving Common Algorithmic Problem with recognizer tissue P systems. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology. 15(1), 33-49. Abstract
Paun, G., & Pérez-Jiménez M. J. (2010).  Solving Problems in a Distributed Way in Membrane Computing: dP Systems. International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control. 5(2), 238-250. Abstract
Busi, N., & Gutiérrez-Naranjo M. A. (2006).  Some Notes on (Mem)Brane Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4193, 262-271. Abstract
Pan, L., Pérez-Jiménez M. J., & Song T. (2015).  A Special Issue on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 12(7), 1101-1102.
Paun, G., Pérez-Jiménez M. J., & Rozenberg G. (2006).  Spike trains in spiking neural P systems.. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 17(4), 975-1002. Abstract
Cabarle, F., Adorna H., & Martínez-del-Amor M. A. (2012).  A Spiking Neural P System Simulator Based on CUDA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7184(12th International Conference, CMC 2011), 87-103. Abstract
Ionescu, M., Paun G., & Yokomori T. (2006).  Spiking Neural P Systems. Fundamenta Informaticae. 71, 279-308.
Ionescu, M., Paun G., & Yokomori T. (2007).  Spiking neural P systems with an exhaustive use of rules. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. 3(2), 135-153. Abstract
Pan, L., & Paun G. (2009).  Spiking neural P systems with anti-spikes. International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control. IV(3), 273-282. Abstract
Paun, G. (2007).  Spiking neural P systems with astrocyte-like control. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 13(11), 1707-1721. Abstract