Complexity Classes in Cellular Computing with Membranes

TitleComplexity Classes in Cellular Computing with Membranes
Publication TypeConference Contributions
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsPérez-Jiménez, M. J., Romero-Jiménez Á., & Sancho-Caparrini F.
Conference NameFirst Joint Meeting between the RSME and the AMS
Volume TitleFirst Joint Meeting between the RSME and the AMS. Abstracts
Place PublishedSeville (Spain)
Date Published18-21/06/2003

Given a class of recognizer membrane systems F, the complexity class PMC_F of all prob-
lems solvable in polynomial time by a family of P systems of type F is presented. This
complexity class is stable by polynomial time reduction, and offer a new way to attack the
P = NP conjecture, now inside the framework of the cellular computing with membranes.