A first model for hebbian learning with spiking neural P systems

TitleA first model for hebbian learning with spiking neural P systems
Publication TypeConference Contributions
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsGutiérrez-Naranjo, M. A., & Pérez-Jiménez M. J.
Conference Name6th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing
Volume TitleProceedings of the Sixth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing
ISBN Number978-84-612-44
PublisherFenix Editora
Place PublishedSevilla, Spain

Spiking neural P systems and artificial neural networks are computational
devices which share a biological inspiration based on the transmission of information
among neurons. In this paper we present a first model for Hebbian learning in the framework
of Spiking Neural P systems by using concepts borrowed from neuroscience and
artificial neural network theory.
