Available membrane computing software

TitleAvailable membrane computing software
Publication TypeContributions to Book Chapters
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsGutiérrez-Naranjo, M. A., Pérez-Jiménez M. J., & Riscos-Núñez A.
EditorsCiobanu, G., Paun G., & Pérez-Jiménez M. J.
Book TitleApplications of Membrane Computing
Series TitleNatural Computing Series
ISBN Number978-3-540-25017-3

The simulation of a P system with current computers is a quite complex task. P systems are intrinsically non deterministic computational devices and therefore their computation trees are difficult to store and handle with one-processor (or bounded number of processors) computers. Nevertheless, there exists a first generation of simulators which can be successfully used for pedagogical purposes and also as assistant tools for researchers. This paper summarizes one of these simulators, presenting the state-of-the-art of the available software for simulating (different variants of) cell-like P systems.

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