The Role of the Environment in Tissue P Systems with Cell Division

TitleThe Role of the Environment in Tissue P Systems with Cell Division
Publication TypeConference Contributions
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsPérez-Jiménez, M. J., Riscos-Núñez A., Rius-Font M., & Romero-Campero F. J.
Conference NameTenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing
Volume TitleProceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing
PublisherFénix Editora
Place PublishedSeville, Spain
Date Published02/2012

Classical tissue P systems with cell division have a special alphabet whose
elements appear at the initial configuration of the system in an arbitrary large number
of copies. These objects are shared in a distinguished place of the system, called the environment. Besides, the ability of these computing devices to have infinite copies of some
objects has been widely exploited in the design of efficient solutions to computationally
hard problems.
This paper deals with computational aspects of tissue P systems with cell division
where there is not an environment having the property mentioned above. Specifically,
we establish the relationships between the polynomial complexity class associated with
tissue P systems with cell division and with or without environment. As a consequence,
we prove that it is not necessary to have infinite copies of some objects at the initial
configuration in order to solve NP–complete problems in an efficient way.

Keywordscell division, Computational Complexity, Environment of a tissue, Membrane computing, Tissue P Systems