The Proceedings of the Eleventh Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing can be freely downloaded below. The Eleventh Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing was held in Sevilla (Spain) from February 4-8, 2013. The whole book consists of one volume, that can be downloaded from the following link:
Authors | Title | Pages |
Editors: Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Manuel García-Quismondo, Luis F. Macías-Ramos, Miguel A. Martínez-del-Amor, Gheorghe Păun, Agustín Riscos-Núñez
ISBN: 978-84-940691-9-2 |
i-x | |
B. Aman, G. Ciobanu | Flattening P Systems with Active Membranes | 1-8 |
I. Ardelean, D. Díaz-Pernil, M.A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo, F. Peña-Cantillana, I. Sarchizian | Studying the Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Cyanobacteria with Membrane Computing Techniques | 9-24 |
Z.F. Bangalan, K.A.N. Soriano, R.A.B. Juayong, F.G.C. Cabarle, H.N. Adorna, M.A. Martínez–del–Amor | A GPU Simulation for Evolution-Communication P Systems with Energy Having no Antiport Rules | 25-50 |
L. Cienciala, L. Ciencialová, M. Langer | 2D P Colonies and Modelling of Liquid Flow Over the Earth’s Surface |
51-66 |
G. Ciobanu, D. Sburlan | Scenario Based P Systems | 67-80 |
R. Freund, Gh. Păun | Universal P Systems: One Catalyst Can Be Suficient | 81-96 |
M. Gheorghe, F. Ipate, C. Dragomir, L. Mierlă, L. Valencia-Cabrera, M. García-Quismondo, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez | Kernel P Systems - Version I | 97-124 |
C. Graciani, M.A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo, A. Riscos-Núñez | Rete Algorithm for P Systems Simulators | 125-136 |
K. Krithivasan, Gh. Păun, A. Ramanujan | On Controlled P Systems | 137-152 |
M. Langer, L. Cienciala, L. Ciencialová, M. Perdek, A. Kelemenová | An Application of the PCol Automata in Robot Control | 153-164 |
A. Leporati, L. Manzoni, A.E. Porreca | Turing Incompleteness of Asynchronous P Systems with Active Membranes | 165-176 |
A. Leporati, A.E. Porreca, C. Zandron, G. Mauri | Improving Universality Results on Parallel Enzymatic Numerical P Systems | 177-200 |
M.A. Martínez-del-Amor, J. Pérez-Carrasco, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez | Simulating a Family of Tissue P Systems Solving SAT on the GPU | 201-220 |
A. Obtułowicz | Continuous Versus Discrete: Some Topics with a Regard to Membrane Computing | 221-224 |
Gh. Păun | The "Catalytic Borderline" Between Universality and Non-Universality of P Systems | 225-234 |
Gh. Păun | Some Open Problems about Numerical P Systems | 235-242 |
Gh. Păun, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, G. Rozenberg | Bridging Membrane and Reaction Systems. Further Results and Research Topics | 243-256 |
L. Valencia-Cabrera, M. García-Quismondo, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, Y. Su, H. Yu, L. Pan | Analysing Gene Networks with PDP Systems. Arabidopsis thaliana, a Case Study | 257-272 |