Monday, February 1
(Room: "Salon de Grados'')
09.00 -- 10.00: Registration
10.00 -- 10.15: Opening
10.15 -- 11.00: First session of provocative presentations
11.00 -- 11.30: Coffee/Tea break
(Room: H1.12)
11.30 -- 13.00: Second session of provocative presentations
13.00 -- 15.00: Lunch
15.00 -- 20.00: Joint work (with a Coffee/Tea break at 16.30)
Tuesday, February 2 (Room: H1.12)
09.00 -- 10.30: Third session of provocative presentations
10.30 -- 11.00: Coffee/Tea break
11.00 -- 13.00: Fourth session of provocative presentations
13.00 -- 15.00: Lunch
15.00 -- 20.00: Joint work (with a Coffee/Tea break at 16.30)
Wednesday, February 3 (Room: H1.12)
09.00 -- 10.30: Fifth session of provocative presentations
10.30 -- 11.00: Special break: Churros with chocolate
11.00 -- 13.00: Sixth session of provocative presentations
13.00 -- 15.00: Lunch
15.00 -- 20.00: Joint work (with a Coffee/Tea break at 16.30)
Thursday, February 4 (Room: H1.12)
09.00 -- 11.00: Seventh session of provocative presentations
10.30 -- 11.00: Coffee/Tea break
11.00 -- 13.00: Eighth session of provocative presentations
13.00 -- 15.00: Lunch
15.00 -- 18.00: Joint work (with a Coffee/Tea break at 16.30)
19.00 -- 20:30: Social event: A walk on the Old Jewish Quarter
20.30 -- ??.00: Workshop special dinner
Friday, February 5 (Room: H1.12)
09.30 -- 11.00: Results obtained during the meeting
11.00 -- 11.30: Coffee/Tea break
11.30 -- 13.00: Joint work
13.00 -- 15.00: Lunch
15.00 -- 17.00: Results obtained during the meeting
17.00: Closing
- Gh. Paun, M. Pérez-Jiménez: dP systems
- M.A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo: Membrane Computing meets Artificial Intelligence: A case study
- I. Pérez Hurtado: Simulating Tissue P Systems with P-Lingua
- M.A. Peña Camacho: Dynamics of random Petri nets composed of join and fork
- E. Csuhaj-Varjú: Developments in P automata - Part 1.
- G. Vaszil: Developments in P automata - Part 2.
- A. Porreca: Do complexity classes for P systems have complete problems?
- D. Díaz-Pernil, M.A. Martínez-del-Amor, M.A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo: Solving Sudoku by P Systems
- M.A. Colomer-Cugat, I. Pérez Hurtado: P systems as a framework for modelling dynamics of populations: The Pyrenean Chamois, a case study
- P. Milazzo: Spatial P Systems
- H.A. Christinal, D. Díaz-Pernil, M.A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez: Array Tissue-like P systems
- E. Csuhaj-Varjú, G. Vaszil, S. Verlan: On generalized communicating P systems - size complexity questions
- M. García-Quismondo, M.A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo, D. Ramírez-Martínez: How does a P system sound?
- M.A. Martínez del Amor: An overview of the simulators for membrane computing using CUDA/GPU.
- N. Murphy: Open Problems on the Computational Complexity of Families of Membrane Systems
- X. Zeng: Matrix Presentation for Spiking Neural P systems
- R. Pagliarini: Regression techniques for Metabolic P systems
- S. Tini: Title to be announced.
- L. Marchetti: MP systems in systems dynamics and in function approximation
- G. Stefanescu: Title to be announced.
- R. Lombardo: Title to be announced.
- A. Obtulowicz: Gandy-Paun-Rozenberg machines
- R. Nicolescu: Fault-tolerant distributed agreement, P systems and extensions
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, Yu. Rogozhin and S. Ivanov: The Membrane Systems Language Class
- J.M. Sempere: Dogmatic P Systems
Special Dinner
Restaurante Pizzeria San Marco
Mesón del Moro, 6
- Time of meeting: 20:30
- Time to leave from the meeting room: 19:45
See full map
Download the preliminary program in pdf