Authors |
Title |
Pages |
Editors: Carmen Graciani, David Orellana-Martín, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Álvaro Romero-Jiménez, Luis Valencia-Cabrera
ISBN: 978-84-946316-1-0
i-xi |
A. Alhazov, B. Aman, R. Freund, S. Ivanov |
Complexity of simulating R systems by P systems |
1-14 |
A. Alhazov, O. Belingheri, R. Freund, S. Ivanov, A.E. Porreca, C. Zandron |
Purely catalytic P systems over integers and their generative power |
15-26 |
A. Alhazov, O. Beligheri, R. Freund, S. Ivanov, A.E. Porreca, C. Zandron |
Semilinear sets, register machines, and integer vector addition (P) systems |
27-42 |
A. Alhazov, R. Freund, S. Ivanov |
Extended SNP systems with states |
43-58 |
A. Alhazov, R. Freund, S. Verlan |
Computational completeness of P systems using maximal variants of the Set derivation mode |
59-84 |
B. Aman, G. Ciobanu |
Verifying P systems with costs by using priced-time Maude |
85-96 |
M. Arazo |
On the 14th BWMC |
97-100 |
M. Arazo, M. Barroso, O. De la Torre, L. Moreno, A. Ribes, P. Ribes, A. Ventura, D. Orellana |
Stern-Gerlach Experiment |
101-112 |
M. Arazo, M. Barroso, O. De la Torre, L. Moreno, A. Ribes, P. Ribes, A. Ventura, D. Orellana |
Uranium-238 decay chain |
113-130 |
M. Barroso Mancha |
On the cellular automata P systems and chain reactions |
131-134 |
J.P. Carandang, J.M.B. Villaflores, F.G.C. Cabarle, H.N. Adorna, M.Á. Martínez-del-Amor |
Improving simulations of Spiking Neural P Systems in NVIDIA CUDA GPUs: CuSNP |
135-150 |
L. Ciencialová, L. Cienciala, P. Sosík |
Generalized P colonies with passive environment |
151-162 |
D. Díaz-Pernil, H. Christinal, M.Á. Guitiérrez-Naranjo |
Solving the 3-COL problem by using tissue P systems without environment and proteins on cells |
163-172 |
D. Díaz-Pernil, M.Á. Gutiérrez-Naranjo |
Semantics of deductive databases in a membrane computing connectionist model |
173-184 |
Z. Gazdag, G. Kolonits |
Remarks on the computational power of some restricted variants of P systems with active membranes |
185-204 |
M. Gheorghe, R. Ceterchi, F. Ipate, S. Konur |
Kernel P systems modelling, testing and verification |
205-230 |
K. Kántor, G. Vaszil |
On the classes of languages characterized by generalized P colony automata |
231-246 |
A. Leporati, L. Manzoni, G. Mauri, A.E. Porreca, C. Zandron |
A toolbox for simpler active membrane algorithms |
247-268 |
A. Millán, J. Viejo, J. Quieros, M.J. Bellido, D. Guerrero, E. Ostua |
Building a basic membrane computer |
269-280 |
L. Moreno Valero |
14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing |
281-284 |
Gh. Păun, T. Wu, Z. Zhang |
Open problems, research topics, recent results on Numerical and Spiking Neural P systems (The "Curtea de Arges 2015 Series") |
285-300 |
A. Ribes Metidieri |
Individual memory about the 14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing |
301-304 |
P. Ribes Metidieri |
Memory about the 14th BWMC: SN P systems vs. ESN P systems with Transmittable States |
305-308 |
G. Román |
On the complexity of active P systems |
309-326 |
L. Valencia-Cabrera, D. Orellana-Martín, A. Riscos-Núñez, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez |
Minimal cooperation in polarizationless P systems with active membranes |
327-356 |
A. Ventura |
Individual memory about the 14th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing |
357-360 |
Author Index |
361-362 |