Our servers are accessible by the members of the RGNC and all our collaborators. Just get in touch with us if you want to be a collaborator.
Download the next guide in order to know how to configure your machine to access our servers, how to get started and how to use them:
You can also directly download the template of the ssh config files next: for linux or windows
Please note that we use CVMFS for compilers and development tools compiled for centos9 (in our case, rocky linux 9). If you need anaconda, please install miniconda locally, compiled for python 3.9.
Introductory videos:
Please, review the access_gpu pdf file above, since it is updated. The videos were recorded in the old operating system, but the process is pretty much similar (just changing from centos7 to centos9).
1. How to access our servers by just one ssh command (warning: the video was recorded when we had only 3 servers, check how to work with the 4 servers as stated in the manual)
2. How to select one GPU and different versions of your desired software