The Proceedings of the Nineteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing can be freely downloaded below. The Nineteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing was held in Sevilla (Spain) on January 24th - 27th, 2023. The whole book consists of one volume (click on the cover to download it). Each contribution is available separately on the table below.
Authors | Title | Pages |
Editors: David Orellana-Martín, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun
ISBN: 978-84-09-54839-2 |
i-ix | |
A. Alhazov, R. Freund, S. Ivanov | Simple P Systems with Prescribed Teams of Sets of Rules | 1-8 |
A. Alhazov, R. Freund, S. Ivanov, D. Orellana-Martı́n, A. Ramı́rez-de-Arellano, J.A. Rodrı́guez-Gallego | P Systems with Reactive Membranes | 9-20 |
A. Alhazov, S. Ivanov, D. Orellana-Martı́n | Queens of the Hill | 21-32 |
J. Caselmann, D. Orellana-Martı́n | A solution to the only one object problem with dissolution rules | 33-48 |
A. Kuczik, G. Vaszil | Polymorphic P Systems with Limited Depth | 49-62 |
M.-I. Pleșa. M. Gheorghe, F. Ipate, G. Zhang | Security analysis of a key agreement protocol based on Spiking Neural P Systems | 63-78 |
A. Ramı́rez-de-Arellano, J.A. Rodrı́guez-Gallego, D. Orellana-Martı́n, S. Ivanov | Stochastic Virus Machines | 79-90 |
Author Index | 107 |