19th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing

Proceedings of the Nineteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing

The Proceedings of the Nineteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing can be freely downloaded below. The Nineteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing was held in Sevilla (Spain) on January 24th - 27th, 2023. The whole book consists of one volume (click on the cover to download it). Each contribution is available separately on the table below.

Contents of the Volume

Authors Title Pages
Editors: David Orellana-Martín, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun

ISBN: 978-84-09-54839-2

A. Alhazov, R. Freund, S. Ivanov Simple P Systems with Prescribed Teams of Sets of Rules 1-8
A. Alhazov, R. Freund, S. Ivanov, D. Orellana-Martı́n, A. Ramı́rez-de-Arellano, J.A. Rodrı́guez-Gallego P Systems with Reactive Membranes 9-20
A. Alhazov, S. Ivanov, D. Orellana-Martı́n Queens of the Hill 21-32
J. Caselmann, D. Orellana-Martı́n A solution to the only one object problem with dissolution rules 33-48
A. Kuczik, G. Vaszil Polymorphic P Systems with Limited Depth 49-62
M.-I. Pleșa. M. Gheorghe, F. Ipate, G. Zhang Security analysis of a key agreement protocol based on Spiking Neural P Systems 63-78
A. Ramı́rez-de-Arellano, J.A. Rodrı́guez-Gallego, D. Orellana-Martı́n, S. Ivanov Stochastic Virus Machines 79-90
Author Index 107